Aquilegia Seeds

Aquilegia self sow everywhere here at Enchanted Gardens.  Their beauty is that you never know which colours you will have from one year to the next as they are such promiscuous in their seeding habits.  The leaves look like buttercup leaves, which are in the same family. There are usually three leaves attached to one stem and each leaf is made up of three lobed leaves which are green until the Autumn when they can turn red. Aquilegia also have the delightful common name of Columbine and “Grandma’s Bonnets”, as they do look a bit like an old fashioned bonnet, with five outer petals which have ‘spurs’ surrounding the inner flower, they are so very beautiful when you take the time to look at them – nature is most wonderful.

If sowing from seed, scatter onto prepared soil in final position in late Autumn or early Spring. Then watch and wait.


9 in stock