Buddleia ‘White Profusion’ (Butterfly Bush) 5 litres
Commonly known as the butterfly bush, buddleia (or buddleja) are great for all pollinators, especially UK butterflies due to a fragrant honey scent, rich nectar and colourful flowers.
Buddleia is an easy and fast-growing shrub, that will suit any garden, even here on very heavy non-draining clay soil. They grow especially well in full sun. They are a magnet for many insects, and they will last for years if you follow the way we look after them here at Enchanted Gardens – without fail whatever the weather, we always prune them to our waist in the autumn so that the winter winds don’t cause the brittle wood to snap. In late Spring we prune them further to around 24 inches. This prevents woodiness and being tree like in their height. Pruning in this way keeps them looking like a fountain of flowing flowers.
Deadhead to prolong flowering.