Cardoon (Cynara Cardunculus) Seeds

“Cynara” is providing a dramatic impact, this giant purple thistle with flowers the size of a football, growing 6/8 feet tall with sensational large serrated silver-grey leaves. Over the years, I have learnt that the old ragetty bottom leaves should not be removed as they “sit and balance” on them, they provide support for this heavyweight plant. When taking the photographs of this lovely giant it seemed as though the insects were completely drunk! and unable to leave.

The edible globe artichoke is Cynara Scolymus Group. I have stock from another grower available.


Cardoon is grown from seed started in mid winter to late spring. Sow seed into individual small, 7cm (3in) pots and place under glass or in a cold frame (without heat) six to eight weeks before planting in the garden.



2 in stock