Crambe – Cordifolia – 2 litre tall pot

We have only just found these and have grown from seed this year. We used them in our medal winning exhibit at the Detling Garden Show as we needed a “froth” of white amongst the pale apricot foxgloves. They are “Gypsophelia on Steroids”, and then we found that they are a member of the brassica family! Planted in the long border, the leaves can be enormous and the plant developed very well and established very quickly with a height of around 12 feet. Crambe starts to flower in late May/early June its “cloud” of flowers lasting very well and the bees and butterflies cant resist. In the late autumn just cut it to the ground and await the new growth. We actually have staff remove the cabbage white butterfly eggs every day from our plants in stock otherwise they have little holes in them.


1 in stock