Eryngium – Planum ‘Blue Hobbit’ – 2 litre pot

Small blue thistles, each with a little collar of leaves, above steel-grey holly like foliage, are just completely gorgeous, the pollinators work very hard gorging themselves on their nectar – they are always covered in bees. In the border they like a sunny position. This little chap grows 1 – 2 feet only, so is completely suitable “en masse” in a smaller garden.  Little Hobbit does clump form well and we have found that they self seed freely given the opportunity.


3 in stock

The Sea-Hollies are just adorable as they are delicate, they like a dry sunny spot, we find that they can cope with clay easily and will also thrive in a large pot. They are not easy to grow from seed, but we have lots of experience now and they are growing on very well.

We have learnt to always place them as youngsters into a large Tall Pot with lots of added grit and then to leave them to grow on, They dont like to be disturbed during their first year and actually we were surprised to learn that they do like to be watered well in their pots as the water passes through quickly, they wont sit through the winter in winter wet so bear this in mind.