Rudbekia – Maxima Seeds

A newcomer to our stock – it has such wonderful large blue/grey leaves that we just had to try it – as far as we know it is not widely grown. This extravagant plant, which is ideal for the back of the border is a real show stopper and, unlike the other Rudbekia it will tolerate moisture. We think it looks its best at the back of a border towering above the smaller perennials. We have not offered any support as they are sturdy and tough.


22 in stock

Rudbekia are all very tough and reliable, and they are invaluable for pollinating insects. The flowering season is continuous from Summer, all the way through until late autumn. Virtually bomb proof they are planted in most of the beds at Sonoma providing colour and structure. Rudbekia will form an expanding clump quickly and easily.  They are tolerant of drought and do not need watering. We now grow 4 different varieties.