Rudbekia – Triloba -2 litre pot
Rudbeckia Triloba has a three lobed leaf. It may be called “Black eyed Susan” and this is my last offering for this wonderful family of Cone Flowers.
Unlike any other Rudbeckia this is a Bush Rudbeckia, offering height, width and an abundance of pollinator food in the form of hundreds of sprays of small flowers carried on sturdy stems. It flowers continuously from summer through to the autumn and is absolutely hardy. Triloba grows into a bush of around 4 feet, it loves the sun and gives viable seed every year. Perfect for the vase as a cut flower and don’t forget to leave it untidied for the winter time to give a home to many species of insects for over-wintering.
Rudbekia are all very tough and reliable, and they are invaluable for pollinating insects. The flowering season is continuous from Summer, all the way through until late autumn. Virtually bomb proof, Rudbekia will form an expanding clump quickly and easily. They are tolerant of drought and do not need watering. We now grow 4 different varieties.