Comfrey 5 litre pot
Comfrey. Comfrey’s not just great for honeybees, but it also attracts pollinators like bumblebees. These vigorous plants can also be used to make comfrey feed and comfrey ointment. It really is the organic gardener’s best friend. Its leaves are full of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – all nutrients needed by growing plants. Master the use of comfrey below and you’ll never need to buy expensive fertilizer again.
Comfrey grows in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. It can grow up to 5 feet tall. It produces clusters of purple, blue, and white flowers, and it’s famous for its long, slender leaves and black-skinned roots.
Its leaves are hairy and can be a skin irritant so use gloves when harvesting.
It is a very deep rooted plant so make sure if you do plant it you do want it, as it can be difficult to remove if you change your mind.
You can make a liquid plant feed from the leaves by:
1.harvest leaves from base of plant
2. squash down into a bucket with a tight fitting lid and weight leaves down with a brick,
3. cover with water and leave for a few weeks, be warned its fragrant!
4. remove brown liquid and store in the dark in lidded bottles
5. top up bucket with ore leaves and more water
6. for use as a liquid feed dilute the brown liquid 1 part to 10 parts water, its a potassium rich feed
7. repeat for constant liquid feed for free!